Ayurvedic Treatments

Ayurveda is the traditional healing science of life and longevity that originated in India more than 5,000 years ago. It is believed to be the oldest healing science in existence, and thus the foundation of all others. Ayurveda offers the most comprehensive medical system available. The ancient Ayurvedic system was astoundingly complete, including eight branches of medicine: internal medicine; ears, nose and throat; toxicology; pediatrics; surgery; psychiatry; aphrodisiacs; and rejuvenation.

More than the original world medicine, Ayurveda is also a spiritual science. The most important aspect of Ayurveda is the belief that true health is based on the healthy functioning of five areas of life: physical / mental health; career or life purpose; spiritual relationships (including personal and world ethics and fair trade); ecology; and spirituality.

Ayurveda comprehends health and disease as the end result of our interactions with our environment. Harmonious interactions lead to health, while disharmonious interactions lead to disease. We are constantly creating and recreating our personal state of health each and every day based upon how we interact with the world in terms of our belief system, thoughts, perceptions and feelings – and ultimately, our actions. Ayurveda is the science of creating and sustaining greater harmony with our environment through all of our senses.

Determined at the moment of conception, our inner nature is called our constitution or Prakruti. This unique balance of energy stays with us throughout our lives. It determines what is in harmony with our nature and what will cause us to become unbalanced, sick and diseased. Being knowledgeable about our individual constitution is of paramount importance to developing optimal health. Our constitution determines our reactions to different foods, colors and aromas, as well as general life habits.

The world of western health care has been profoundly impacted by Ayurveda in recent years. Popular books by Deepak Chopra, MD, and others have drawn attention to the tremendous potential of this ancient healing system. Along with the ability to address chronic conditions, Ayurveda promises to improve and maintain overall health and increase longevity.

Both Ayurveda and Yoga encompass a complete approach to the well being of the physical body, the mind and the spirit. Yoga is considered to be the spiritual side, while Ayurveda is the healing side. Together, they work synergistically to help a person to reconnect to their true nature through direct experience. These two elements are intertwined so closely that it is hard to imagine traveling down one of these paths with no knowledge of the other.

  • Ayurvedic Initial Consultation

    An Ayurvedic consultation will help you to gain the awareness necessary to create balance and harmony in your body, mind and spirit, thus preventing medical imbalance. If you are already ill, Ayurveda will help you to create the optimal environment in your body for healing to occur. Either way, you will feel better and have far greater energy and contentment.


  • Follow-Up Ayurvedic Consultations

    30min/$90; 60min/$180

  • Abhyanga

    This herbal oil massage brings nourishment to the tissues, deep relaxation to the muscles and calmness to the mind. It reverses / prevents aging and increases longevity; removes fatigue and stress from work and life overall; heals and prevents nervous system disorders; promotes good vision; remedies insomnia; creates an electrochemical balance in the body; prevents dehydration; strengthens the nerves; stimulates antibody production; and may help the body produce its own natural antihistamines.

    60min/$120; 90min/$180

  • Swedana

    Following the Abhyanga oil massage with an exquisite herbal steam treatment will leave you feeling clean, rejuvenated and deeply moisturized. Medicinal herbs like chamomile, lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary, lemongrass, bay leaf and rose petals help clear the channels, relax the muscles and nurture all senses.


  • Dough Bastis

    A dough dam is built and placed on the lower back (katti basti), on the chest (hrid basti), on the knee (janu basti), or over the eyes (netra basti) and medicated herbal oils/ghee are poured inside the dam and held there for up to 25 minutes.

    The lower back basti are therapies that alleviate muscle spasms and lower spine rigidity, strengthening the bone tissue of the lower back. The chest basti is a therapy that strengthens the heart and reduces sternum pain. The knee janu basti helps calm pain, dissipates stiffness of the knee joints, increases local circulation, improves flexibility and mobility.

    The netra basti relieves tension in the eye sockets that may lead to loss of vision, pain, fatigue, glaucoma, conjunctivitis, cornea inflammation, sunken eyes, cross-eye and night blindness. Further, it nourishes the nervous system, brain and memory, developing one’s linguistic abilities. It makes the eyes lustrous, removes wrinkles, improves complexion and reduces physical tension.


  • Pinda Sveda

    A rejuvenation technique that causes the entire body to perspire by using medicinal puddings. Pinda sveda makes the body supple, removes stiffness and reduces swelling in the joints. It clears obstructions, improves blood circulation, removes waste from the body, improves complexion, strengthens digestion and restores vigor. This therapy is very effective in healing disorders of the brain and nervous system. The senses are sharpened and the aging process is slowed. This treatment is usually followed by Abhyanga.

    60min/$120; 90min/$180

  • Shirodhara

    Warm oil poured on the forehead is one of the most divine, relaxing therapies one can experience. When people get up from this therapy, a healthy glow radiates from their skin. Eyes gleam with tranquility while lips wear a smile of serenity. Shirodhara helps with diseases of the head, neck, eyes, nose, throat and nervous system. It relieves insomnia, asthma, enlarged prostate, ulcers and rheumatism.

    30min/$110 in conjunction with Abhyanga massage

  • Marma Therapy

    Another form of Abhyanga is the use of the Marma points. Marma points are locations on the body where flesh, veins, arteries, tendons, bones and joints meet. They have great importance to a person’s body, mind and spirit. When imbalances exist in the body, the corresponding spots become sore. Through Marma Abhyanga, health is restored.

    60min/$120; 90min/$180

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