Massage & Energy Therapies

The human touch can be as therapeutic as any medication when informed by knowledge, love, and respect. Illeana’s treatments offer a cleansing and rejuvenating program for the body, mind, and consciousness.

  • Therapeutic Massage

    A combination of different techniques such as Swedish, Deep Tissue, Myofascial Release and Acupressure targeting your custom needs at the time.

    60min/$150; 90min/$225

  • Hot Stone Massage

    Soothing, smooth stones are lifted from heated water and used with warm oils in long flowing strokes to connect body and spirit.


  • Pre-Natal & Post-Natal Massage

    This is a relaxing massage designed especially for mothers-to-be.

    60min/$150; 90min/$225

  • Manual Lymphatic Drainage

    Techniques are performed with hands and fingers to create gentle, stimulating wave-like movements.

    60min/$150; 90min/$225

  • Raindrop Therapy

    This is a powerful non-invasive tool for assisting the body in correcting defects in the curvature of the spine by utilizing the antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action of several key essential oils.

    60min/$150; 90min/$225

  • Shiatsu Massage

    This bodywork therapy is a deep, relaxing experience that helps to prevent the buildup of stress from our daily lives.

    60min/$150; 90min/$225

  • Reflexology

    Based upon the premise that the feet represent a microcosm of the entire body, all reflex zones of the entire foot are worked out thoroughly.

    60min/$150; 90min/$225

  • Cranio Sacral

    Biodynamic Cranio Sacral Therapy (BCST) is a gentle and subtle whole body approach to the human experience. Physically, BCST influences the Central Nervous System. Emotionally, it can affect very deep and primary patterns. Spiritually, BCST can open doors to both our hearts and souls, profoundly changing our lives.

    60min/$150; 90min/$225

  • Reiki

    A wonderful technique used for relaxation and stress reduction, Reiki is a method of directing pure collected energies for the purpose of healing.

    60min/$160; 90min/$225

  • Brazilian Body Sculpting

    Instant body sculpting and Cellulite reducer! This treatment stimulates and enhances the network of vessels that move fluids in the body, acting to reduce fluid retention, activate blood circulation presenting immediate results and providing wellness, relaxation, detoxification, eliminating cellulite, assisting in the recovery of muscle and joint injuries. It prevents scar adhesions after plastic surgery and activates the immune system.

    60min/$220; Package of 4 Sessions/$800

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